日時: 2023年6月8日(木)
19:00開演 (18:30開場)
場所:カワイ表参道コンサートサロン「パウゼ」 (東京 表参道)
渋谷区神宮前5-1-1 扶桑ビル2F
チケット料金:前売り券(全席自由)3500円 (当日 4000円)
Ginastera: Sonatina for harp (Japanese premiere with the official score published in 2020)
ピアソラ:タンゴの歴史 (フルートとハープ)
Piazzolla: Histoire du Tango (flute and harp)
I. Bordel 1900
II. Café 1930
III. Night-club 1960
ヒナステラ:ハープ協奏曲 作品25
Ginastera: Harp Concerto op. 25
and more.
佐藤杏樹(Anju Sato)/ harp
世界ハープ会議元副会長の井上久美子氏に師事。2013年横浜国際音楽コンクール第1位を皮切りに、数多くのコンクールで受賞。2017年、日本唯一のハープ専門メーカーを有する福井県での第 69 回音楽コンクールハープ部門第1位。2022年、インフィニティ国際ハープコンクール第2位。2023年、世界クラシック音楽賞で金賞、ウィーン国際音楽コンクールにて近代音楽特別大賞の最終候補にノミネート。
2019年第1回リサイタル(協力: 青山ハープ株式会社/後援: 株式会社銀座十字屋、株式会社松尾楽器商会)、2020年第2回リサイタル、2020~2023年の間に全4回の研究演奏リサイタル(武蔵野音楽大学ベートーヴェンホール)を行う。
Japanese harpist Anju Sato studied under Kumiko Inoue, former Vice President of the World Harp Congress. Anju has won many awards, including first prizes at the Yokohama International Music Competition in 2013 and the 69th Fukui National Harp Competition in 2018, and second prize at the Infinity International Harp Competition in 2022. In 2023, she received the Gold Award at the World Classical Music Awards and was nominated as afinalist for the Special Grand Prize in Modern Music at the Vienna International Music Competition.
Anju, a docoral student at Musashino Academia, passed her doctoral dissertation in February this year with the highest grade ever given by the school. She also passed her final recital performance and is expected to complete her PhD this summer. Anju taught harp at Mito-Daisan Music High School. She is a guestprincipal harpist in professional orchestras such as the Tokyo Universal Philharmanic Orchestra.
During her PhD studies, she held four research recitals at the Beethoven Hall of Musashino Academia Musicae.
On October 29, 2023 (Sun) at 19:00, Anju will hold the first concert of her Lecture Recital Series at Dojin Christian Church (Tokyo, Gokokuji).
長谷川ゆき(Yuki Hasegawa) / piano
She is a graduate of Kunitachi College of Music (piano), Conservatoire Supérieurée Paris-CNR (chamber music, ecriture musicale and orchestration), Milano Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado (orchestral conducting) and Conservatoire National de Région de Saint-Maur (piano accompaniment). From school days in Japan and France, she has been frequently appointed as the official piano-accompanist for orchestral instrument masterclasses, competitions etc.
She studies piano under Professors Fujiko Yamada, Thierry Huillet, Arnulf von Arnim and chamber music under Paul Meyer and Eric Le Sage.
She has an attachment to experimental harmonic works around the 20th century and premieres them in Japan as a chamber musician and a conductor. Collaborating artist with Pro Arte Musicae Co Ltd.
吉田杏奈(Yoshida Anna)/ flute
日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京シティ・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団で客演を務める。シアターオーケストラトーキョー、フルート奏者。エコール・マルセイエーズ・フルート教室主宰。これまでに、峰岸壮一、Isabelle Chapuis、Philippe Pierlot、工藤重典の各氏に師事。
Anna Yoshida graduated from Toho Gakuen Joshi High School of Music and continued her study at Toho Gakuen College of Music, where she graduated at the top of her class. Studied under Mr. Soichi Minegishi in Tokyo, Japan and Mrs. Isabelle Chapuis in California, America. After graduation, she moved to France where she graduated for Ecole Normale Musique de Paris, granted the Unanimity in the Diploma Superior Concertiste. Studied under Mr. Shigenori Kudo and Mr. Philippe Pierlot in Paris, France. She was the third prize winner of the Parnasse Competition in Paris and won the first prize of the Leopold Bellan International Dramatic Music Competition in France.
Upon returning to Japan, she has actively performed in Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra, and the member of the Theater Orchestra Tokyo. She is active as an orchestra flutist, solist, recording artist, and instructor.