山中suplex/Yamanaka Suplexと京都芸術センターは共同で、台北を拠点に活動するアーティストコレクティブ・鬼丘鬼鏟(ゴースト・マウンテン・ゴースト・ショベル)による個展「時間的臨摹(じかんのりんぼ)」を開催いたします。
※学生料金でお申込みの方は、在籍を証明する書類 (学生証など) をご来場の際にお持ちください。
Yamanaka Suplex, in collaboration with Kyoto Art Center, is pleased to present “Charting the Contours of Time,” a solo exhibition by Taipei-based art collective Ghost Mountain Ghost Shovel.
Ghost Mountain Ghost Shovel has staged performance works that construct ephemeral situations; comprising installation, sound, hypnotic rhetoric, urban violence, political turmoil, bodily memories of unusual states, historical reenactment, and symbols from Japan’s former sovereignty, their work leads the audience into poetic, multilayered performance spaces.
The work Charting the Contours of Time, first shown in 2018 in Taipei and making its debut in Japan for the first time, is a live performance inspired by the Tainai Meguri (“journey to the womb”) of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto and takes place in complete darkness. In a former gymnasium (now the Multi-purpose Hall in Kyoto Art Center) of an elementary school established during the era of modernization in Japan, viewers are instructed to put on US-made night vision goggles and gaze at body movements under visually restricted conditions. Through the art experience, Ghost Mountain Ghost Shovel’s work invites us to contemplate issues of participation and psychological immersion; the history of Taiwan and Japan; and the political relations of East Asia.
Adults ¥1,000 / Students (University/Highschool) ¥500 / Free (Under Junior high school students)
*Those applying at the student rate must bring proof of enrolment (e.g. student ID card).
*Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over.
*Pre-school children are not allowed to watch the show.
*For those with small children, we offer a babysitting service at Kyoto Art Centre and ACK. For more information, see 'Childcare service' here.