*こちらのイベントはYouTube Liveによる無観客配信ライブです。
*This event is live streaming only.
Dora Video (Yoshimitsu ICHIRAKU) has organised numerous independent events at club Goodman. This will be his final improvisation event held at Goodman. Enjoy on live stream. (Archive will be available for 1 week)
【出演】灰野敬二+大友良英 / 美川俊治+ASTRO / ドラ☆美保(ドラびでお+若林美保)/ MIYA
▼ライブ配信日時 7/19(日)19:30~
CLUB GOODMANのステージより無観客投げ銭ライブ配信を行います。
下段のBUY TICKETをご覧ください。
緊急時はCLUB GOODMANのTwitterでアナウンス致します。ID:@clubgoodman
※Donations are very welcome. Thank you for supporting live music.
※Infection prevention measures http://www.clubgoodman.com/blog/?p=17173
【Performing】Dora Video, Keiji Haino, Yoshihide Otomo, Tosiharu Mikawa, ASTRO, Miho Wakabayashi, MIYA
Please download the YouTube App for watching from a smartphone.
Live comments will be open !
▼Live Streaming Date Sun 19th July 19:30~
Performance will be live streamed from the stage of CLUB GOODMAN
▼Please support the venue and artists. Donation tickets are available from ¥500〜. Ticked donations is optional and the streaming can be viewed for free. Also multiple ticket purchase is very welcome. Purchase can be done in advance too. For details please check the BUY TICKET Below.
The funding from the tickets will go to the venue and musicians.
Registration of livePocket-Ticket- and +ID will be required for purchase.
By registrating your credit card in advance the donation will proceed smoothly.
Please note that if you choose convenience store payment, it will be settled on the 18th July
According the system there might be some delay or trouble. If an emergency occurs we will announce on the CLUB GOODMAN http://Twitter.ID:@clubgoodman