ピーターバラカン 出前DJ in Kumamoto [テーマ : ニッポンの音楽]
日本に来てほぼ半世紀、YMOの世界進出や民謡クルセイダーズのブレイクなどに大きく関わり、ミャーク(宮古島)在住のジャズ・ファンク・バンド[BLACK WAX]にもことあるごとに言及[2013年年間ベストアルバム選出]するなど、日本の音楽シーンへも解像度高く切り込むピーターさん。
Beginners Records / Know Your Rights Records / Sweet Nuthin' Records / tsukimi Records / 峠の円盤 / MIMI MUSE
Peter Barakan's Delivery DJ, held for the first time in about 3 years!
Having spent almost half a century in Japan, Peter has been heavily involved in the global expansion of YMO and the breakthrough of the folk music group, Min'yo Crusaders. He frequently references BLACK WAX, a jazz-funk band based in Miyako Island, even selecting them as the Best Album of the Year in 2013, demonstrating his keen insight into Japan's music scene.
In this DJ session, Peter will delve into Japanese music as he perceives it, spanning from traditional folk tunes to contemporary pop music, offering ample discussion.
Peter remarks, "I don't think I'll play the songs everyone knows, is that okay?" But rather, that's exactly what we want to hear! It's bound to be an exciting encounter with Japanese music, guaranteed.
After the talk, there will be a question session with Peter.
*Questions can be on any topic, not necessarily related to today's theme.
Furthermore, each venue will have a box of recommended vinyl records from Kumamoto's secondhand record stores!
(4-5 stores are expected to participate)
Vinyl enthusiasts, be sure to check it out!
会場 (venue): tsukimi
[熊本市中央区南千反畑町1−3 満月ビル 2F ]
[2F, Mangetsu Building, 1-3 Minamisendanbatacho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City]
OPEN 18:30 START 19:00
Openning Act : コモエスタ嶋田[18:30-19:00]
前売(Advance tickets): ¥4000
当日(At the door): ¥4500
*別途1DRINK ORDER(*1 drink order required separately)
instagram @tsukimi_kumamoto
Twitter @KumamotoTsukimi
Facebook @tsukimi.kumamoto
Mail : long6bridge@yahoo.co.jp
Tel: tsukimi / 096-227-6593
[Ticket Reservation Methods]
◯ Live Pocket
[Credit card/mobile carrier/ convenience store payment available/ handling fees apply]
For more details, please refer here.
◯ We also accept reservations via various SNS platforms, email, or phone.
Please provide the necessary number of tickets, your name, and contact information when contacting us.
*No handling fees apply.
*Payment is accepted in cash only.
Instagram: @tsukimi_kumamoto
Twitter: @KumamotoTsukimi
Facebook: @tsukimi.kumamoto
Email: long6bridge@yahoo.co.jp
Tel: Tsukimi / 096-227-6593
ピーター・バラカン (Peter Barakan)
• このころから執筆活動、ラジオ番組への出演などを開始、また1980年から1986年までイエロー・マジック・オーケストラ、後に個々のメンバーの海外コーディネーションを担当。
1988年、10月からTBS-TV で「CBSドキュメント」(アメリカCBS制作番組60 Minutesを主な素材とする、社会問題を扱ったドキュメンタリー番組)の司会を担当。音楽番組以外では初めてのレギュラー番組。 2010年4月からTBS系列のニュース専門チャンネル「ニュースバード」に移籍、番組名も「CBS 60ミニッツ」に変更。 2014年3月終了。
Peter Barakan
Born August 20th 1951 in London, England.
Graduated from Japanese department, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1973.
Moved to Japan in 1974, to work at Shinko Music publishing company, in International Department, remaining at the company until 1980, when, having begun to appear on FM radio shows and write record reviews, left to work for the management company of Yellow Magic Orchestra, which afforded more freedom to pursue personal interests.
In spring of 1984 began to host a music video programme on TV, since when focus of career has been on broadcasting. After several years working exclusively in music, was asked in autumn 1988 to co-host the Japanese broadcast of the American news magazine show "60 Minutes", and continued to present the programme until 2014.
Created and hosted “Bay City Blues,” a ‘graveyard shift’ radio show featuring music from the entire spectrum of the African diaspora, for Bay FM, from the station’s inception in 1989 till 1996.
Seamlessly, in April 1996, when InterFM was born, took on a weekly 2-hour free-form show called “Barakan Beat,” which, despite the odd hiatus, still soldiers on.
Also presented a breakfast show for the same station for a total of four years in two sessions, and for an ill-starred period of 22 months ending in June 2014 served as head of programming.
Also during this period was awarded the Galaxy Award for best radio DJ for the year 2013, in recognition of passion for broadcasting music of a diverse nature.
In 2003 was invited to host “Weekend Japanology,” a weekly programme created by NHK World TV, highlighting a particular facet of Japanese culture each time, and presented in English for foreign broadcast. The format subsequently changed slightly, becoming “Begin Japanology,” and from 2014 “Japanology Plus.”
I continue to create and present music programmes on radio, and have published a number of books, including a beginner's guide to soul music, a memoir of my experiences in radio, and a guide to English pronunciation for Japanese people.
熊本のFM局とAM局で昭和歌謡の番組の選曲家 & パーソナリティをやってます。
毎週火曜日深夜24時から25時 (水曜日午前0時から1時)までは、ミュージックバード全国100局のコミュニティFMをネットしたノンストップMIXの番組「ミッドナイトコモエスタ」も選曲中。
Comoesta Shimada
I work as a music selector and personality for Showa Kayo programs on both the FM and AM stations in Kumamoto. Every Tuesday night from midnight to 1 a.m. (Wednesday from 0:00 to 1:00 a.m.), I'm also in the midst of selecting music for "Midnight Como Esta," a non-stop MIX program that is broadcasted on Music Bird's community FM stations nationwide.