【Tempei Nakamura - Charity Concert "Visions" in Paris】 October 27th, 2018(Sat) Open 19:30 / Start 20:00 Place : Maison du Japon Address : 7C Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris Participation Fee : 20 EUR (2500JPY) Ticket : Restaurant Taeko, 4 Rue de Port-Mahon, 75002 Paris Contact : tempeiconcertparis@gmail.com E-Ticket : https://t.livepocket.jp/e/20181027 (参加費から経費を引いた分を西日本豪雨復興プロジェクトに寄付します) All the participation fee after deducting expenses will be donated to the project for the recovery from the flood devastation in western Japan.